GOLD Lancashire Behaviour Award!
In the summer term we also achieved reaccreditation for the Lancashire Behaviour Quality Mark. We were awarded the highest possible achievement by gaining the GOLD reaccreditation in all six areas.
1.Behaviour policy and procedural frameworks
2. Attitudes to school and learning
3. Conduct around school
4. Safety
5. Pupil support and intervention systems
6. Staff support and development
We wanted to share with you some of the feedback in the written report following the reaccreditation visit as it made us all feel very proud of our children and of our school.
“The children demonstrated excellent behaviour and attitudes. They were confident and mature in their interactions.”
“Routines were clearly well embedded in the life of the school.”
“Parental feedback indicates that all respondents believe that their child makes good progress and is taught well. The feedback from parents referenced behaviour often as a key strength of the school from the parents perspective. All parents agreed that the school makes sure that the children are well behaved and that children feel safe in the school.”
“The children behaved well out of class. They follow routines with little need for direction.”
“Staff roles at lunchtime are clear and there is support for those children who find unstructured time more challenging. The children behave well in the dining hall.”
“Almost all parents responding to the school survey indicated that their child never reports being bullied in school. There are very few concerns raised around bullying in school.”
“The children's work on the school values supports their development of strong behaviour for learning skills.”
“The new Family Learning Mentor has introduced a new process using circle time in class to develop family link sessions. Circle time sessions have been modelled to all staff. A clear evaluation process has been undertaken. The children report that they value this time.”
Lancashire Behaviour Quality Mark July 19