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Lytham Hall Park Primary School

Discamus As Vivendum, Let’s Learn to Live

Committee Structure


The Full Governing Body meets three times in the year.  We reviewed and revised our committee structure in 2015/16 to move further in line with the core functions.  We now have four committees

  • Health and Safety & Projects
  • Quality of Education  
  • Financial Performance and Staffing
  • Strategy and Vision


which meet at least termly, sometimes more often if required.  We have used these meetings to monitor progress of targets in the school improvement plan and challenge and hold senior leaders to account on all aspects of the work of the school.

Overview of Committees


The main Committees, which meet termly are as follows:

  • Strategy and Vision
  • Quality of Education
  • Financial Performance and Staffing
  • Health and Safety and Projects


Strategy and Vision

Chair: Steve Mason

Remit: Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction


Quality of Education

Chair: Beverley Harrison

Remit: Holding the Headteacher to account for the quality of education of the school for its pupils including pupil outcomes and the curriculum


Financial Performance and Staffing

Chair: Stephanie Parnell 

Remit: Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.   Ensuring that staffing is appropriate to the needs and resources of the school.


Health and Safety and Projects

Chair: Patricia Fieldhouse

Remit: Overseeing the strategies, policies, working practices and performance of the school in relation to health and safety, ensuring these at least meet or exceed legal obligations, with the objective of promoting the well-being and safety of tall members of Lytham Hall Park.