Contact Details
Lytham Hall Park Primary School
South Park
Headteacher is Miss K Ainsworth
If you have a question or a query you can contact our school office and speak to Mrs Lexi Whalley who will be happy to help you.
Telephone Our School Office: 01253 738864
School Business Manager: Mrs Cheryl Tyson
Email Our School Office:
There are other people in school who may be able to assist you.
Our Deputy Headteacher is Mrs C Chambers
Our Assistant Headteacher is Miss J Tomlinson who leads KS1
Our Assistant Headteacher is Mrs K Littler who leads KS2
Our EYFS lead is Mrs L Asprey.
Our Head of Pastoral is Mrs R Howcroft
Our Special Educational Needs (SEN) Co-ordinator is Miss J Tomlinson. You can contact her via the school office.
If you would like a paper copy of the information held on our school website, please speak to our school office who will provide this free of charge.