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Lytham Hall Park Primary School

Discamus As Vivendum, Let’s Learn to Live

Jargon Buster

Sometimes, education professional can use acronyms that can be confusing.


Here are some common acronyms you may come across. 


ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD - Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder

AfL -  Assessment for Learning

AHT - Assistant Head Teacher

AP - Alternative Provision (eg a PRU)

APP - Assessing Pupil Progress

APS - Average points score

ARE -  Age-related expectations

BESD - Behavioural Emotional & Social Difficulties

CAF -  Common Assessment Framework

CLA  - Children looked After, or Children in Care = ChICs

CP - Child Protection

CPD - Continuing Professional Development

CRB - Criminal Records Bureau (now DBS)

DBS - Disclosure and Barring Service

DfE - Department for Education (since May 2010)

DFC - Devolved Formula Capital

DHT - Deputy Headteacher

DT - Design and Technology

EAL - English as an additional language

EBD - Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties

EHCP - Education, Health and Care Plans
(replacing statement of SEN from Sept 2014)

EWO - Education Welfare Officer

EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage

FSM - Free School Meals

G&T - Gifted and Talented

GB - Governing Body (or Board)

GTP - Graduate Teacher Programme

H & S - Health and Safety

HLTA - Higher Level Teaching Assistant

HR - Human Resources

HT -  Headteacher

IBP -  Individual Behaviour Plan

ICT - Information and Communications Technology

INSET - In-Service Education and Training

ITT - Initial Teacher Training

KS1, 2, 3, 4     Key Stage 1, 2, 3, 4
(KS1 age 5 – 7 “Infants”, KS2 age 7 – 11 “Juniors”, KS3 age 11- 14, KS4 age 14 -16)

LA - Local Authority

LAC - Looked after Children (also known as Cared for Children, or Children in Care)

LADO - Local Authority Designated Officer 

NC - National Curriculum

NCTL - National College for Teaching & Leadership (Previously NCSL – National College for School Leadership)

NOR -  Number (of pupils) on Roll

NQT - Newly Qualified Teacher

NUT -  National Union of Teachers

OFSTED - Office for Standards in Education

PE - Physical Education

PGCE - Post Graduate Certificate of Education

PPA - Planning, Preparation and Assessment

PRU - Pupil Referral Unit

PSCHE - Personal, Social, Citizenship & Health Education

PSHE - Personal Social Health Education (also PSCHE including citizenship)

QCA - Qualification and Curriculum Authority

QTS - Qualified Teacher Status

SENCO - Special Educational Needs Coordinator

SEND - Special Educational Needs & Disability

SFVS - Schools Financial Value Standard

SIC - Statement of Internal Control

SIP -  School Improvement Plan

SLT -  Senior Leadership Team

SMSC - Spiritual moral social and cultural

SPAG - Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (alternatively, GAPS)

SpLD - Specific Learning Difficulties

TA - Teaching Assistant

UPN - Unique Pupil Number