Jargon Buster
Sometimes, education professional can use acronyms that can be confusing.
Here are some common acronyms you may come across.
ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD - Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
AfL - Assessment for Learning
AHT - Assistant Head Teacher
AP - Alternative Provision (eg a PRU)
APP - Assessing Pupil Progress
APS - Average points score
ARE - Age-related expectations
BESD - Behavioural Emotional & Social Difficulties
CAF - Common Assessment Framework
CLA - Children looked After, or Children in Care = ChICs
CP - Child Protection
CPD - Continuing Professional Development
CRB - Criminal Records Bureau (now DBS)
DBS - Disclosure and Barring Service
DfE - Department for Education (since May 2010)
DFC - Devolved Formula Capital
DHT - Deputy Headteacher
DT - Design and Technology
EAL - English as an additional language
EBD - Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
EHCP - Education, Health and Care Plans
(replacing statement of SEN from Sept 2014)
EWO - Education Welfare Officer
EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage
FSM - Free School Meals
G&T - Gifted and Talented
GB - Governing Body (or Board)
GTP - Graduate Teacher Programme
H & S - Health and Safety
HLTA - Higher Level Teaching Assistant
HR - Human Resources
HT - Headteacher
IBP - Individual Behaviour Plan
ICT - Information and Communications Technology
INSET - In-Service Education and Training
ITT - Initial Teacher Training
KS1, 2, 3, 4 Key Stage 1, 2, 3, 4
(KS1 age 5 – 7 “Infants”, KS2 age 7 – 11 “Juniors”, KS3 age 11- 14, KS4 age 14 -16)
LA - Local Authority
LAC - Looked after Children (also known as Cared for Children, or Children in Care)
LADO - Local Authority Designated Officer
NC - National Curriculum
NCTL - National College for Teaching & Leadership (Previously NCSL – National College for School Leadership)
NOR - Number (of pupils) on Roll
NQT - Newly Qualified Teacher
NUT - National Union of Teachers
OFSTED - Office for Standards in Education
PE - Physical Education
PGCE - Post Graduate Certificate of Education
PPA - Planning, Preparation and Assessment
PRU - Pupil Referral Unit
PSCHE - Personal, Social, Citizenship & Health Education
PSHE - Personal Social Health Education (also PSCHE including citizenship)
QCA - Qualification and Curriculum Authority
QTS - Qualified Teacher Status
SENCO - Special Educational Needs Coordinator
SEND - Special Educational Needs & Disability
SFVS - Schools Financial Value Standard
SIC - Statement of Internal Control
SIP - School Improvement Plan
SLT - Senior Leadership Team
SMSC - Spiritual moral social and cultural
SPAG - Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (alternatively, GAPS)
SpLD - Specific Learning Difficulties
TA - Teaching Assistant
UPN - Unique Pupil Number