Sport Funding
Our school receives the PE and sport premium funding. Each year we plan how we will spend our finding to ensure all our children benefit from an excellent sporting offer.
We also report each year on the impact of the funding.
This includes:
- the amount of premium received
- a full breakdown of how it has been spent (or will be spent)
- what impact the school has seen on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment
- how the improvements will be sustainable in the future
We are also required to publish the percentage of pupils within your year 6 cohort who met the national curriculum requirement to:
- swim competently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively (for example front crawl, backstroke, and breaststroke)
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
We ensure that the improvements we make will be sustained in the future by prioritising the professional development of our staff team. We actively seek their feedback via an annual questionnaire and use our ongoing monitoring to ensure we use the funding to provide relevant and effective professional development. This ensures that the improvements are built into the pedagogy of our team and not focussed on buying in external support. Where coaches are employed our teaching and support staff work actively in the sessions, team teaching, to learn from the expert.
Our PE Curriculum Overview
Extra Curricular Opportunities at Hall Park
We are also proud to have been awarded the PLATINUM SCHOOLS GAMES AWARD.
As our school has consistently achieved the gold Mark every year since 2015/16, including the remote School Games Award in 19/20 we were given the opportunity to apply for the platinum award, as only schools who have consistently achieved Gold over a number of years are eligible to apply for platinum.
The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise school’s engagement (provision and uptake) against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.
- Our physical activity and school sport achievements this year has seen many successes:
- Our school coach, Mr Cameron, is out and about making playtimes and lunchtimes fun and active, with a wider range of physical activities and sports.
- We have been delighted to restart our clubs and these have been extended to include morning clubs, lunchtimes clubs and after school clubs.
- Our young leaders have started, once again, to act as PALS on our infant playground.
- We have worked hard to be inclusive with a team sports focus and opportunities for all children to engage in physical activity including walk and talk sessions, and inclusive workshops, inviting inspirational sporting groups and individuals.
- We have taken every opportunity to compete as part of our recovery plan and participated in the SPAR Lancashire School Games, the Commonwealth Baton Relay and our local leagues.
We are extremely proud of our children for their dedication to all aspects of physical activity and school sport. We believe in the power of physical activity and school sport as a school and give opportunities to our children that need it most.
As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas linked to the five School Games outcomes and so this award reflects our sport provision in school, including:
- The quantity of high-quality PE lessons our children receive each week;
- The amount of children participating in extra-curricular sporting activity each week;
- The support we provide for our talented young sports people and less active children;
- The number of competitive events we take part in each year.
By receiving the Platinum Award, it really does recognise that we go above and beyond in our sporting offer.
More Information About Sport and PE at Lytham Hall Park
School Games Mark Virtual Award Summer 2020
In March school experienced lockdown and was only open for the children of key workers. However, we continued with a full online offer and, as a school who believes in health and physical well-being, we continued to actively support our children to engage in sport and physical activity.
Throughout the spring and summer terms we took part in the Spar Lancashire School Games Challenges, and in recognition of this we received the nationally recognised School Games Mark Virtual Award.
This award highlights our school and our wider communities commitment to competitive school sport through the second half of the 2019-2020 academic year.
2018/19 was a spectacular year for Hall Park in sport and sporting achievements. We achieved the ‘FYLDE COUNCIL PRIMARY SPORTS SCHOOL OF THE YEAR AWARD 2018-19’ due to our commitment to making sport and physical activity such a priority to the physical and mental development of our children.