Pupil Premium Impact Statement 2015 - 2016
Pupil Premium Action Plan 2015 2016
The Pupil Premium is funding in addition to the school's budget. Schools are free to decide how to allocate this funding to best support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils. In 2015/16 the school received £40,600 in Pupil Premium allocations.
In 2015/16 the pupil premium was used in a variety of ways.
- Support with learning mentor as part of Narnia in 1:1, family support, and small group.
- Class intervention for specific children.
- 1:1 tuition: Stride Ahead/Toe by Toe 1 hour per week.
- Intervention groups.
- Additional teaching assistant support for key pupils to meet individual needs.
- External support agencies for supporting children
- Providing specialist equipment and resources to develop children and provide wider opportunities
- Forest Schools across EYFS, KS1 and KS2
- One to one teaching with a teacher to meet specific learning needs
- Additional staffing of KS2, particularly in Y5/6
- Supporting, where this links to a learning need, additional afterschool care and holiday activities
- Supporting costs related to educational visits including contribution to in term time residential
Links to Action Plan for Pupil Premium Funding
To ensure the outcomes and attendance of pupils in receipt of pupil premium is at least in line with those of peers in school:
- Increase attendance rates of pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding to close the gap with peers in school.
- Increase rates of progress in reading across school, including those in receipt of pupil premium funding.
- Ensure the needs of all pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding are met to ensure they are on track to make or exceed expected progress and attainment including the GLD
SIP Objective |
Funding |
Learning Mentor Time Total 1 hour a week
Accelerated Reader Subscription Other costs met through SIP |
Learning Mentor Time for Induction in EYFS
Termly Intervention
Teaching Assistants
Teacher group
One to One teacher
Additional KS2 teacher 50% teaching time full academic year 15/16 focus on Y5/6
Forest School Provision 15 hours weekly Plus costs for resources.
Meeting emotional need of pupils to ensure they are able to ready for learning through:
Learning Mentor Support
One to One TA 15hrs
External Assessments
Counselling services
Key Resources
Curriculum enrichment/Out of hours
Increase attendance rates of pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding is above 95%.
(14/15 93.8%)
Attendance (updated end of 2015/2016)
Whole School Attendance 15/16 (whole year)
Attendance 96.5% Authorised Absence 2.7% Unauthorised Absence 0.5%
All Pupil Premium children including Ever6 and AFC
Attendance 95.4% Authorised Absence 3.5% Unauthorised Absence 0.6%
Pupil Premium ( Ever6 ) Pupils Attendance in Comparison ( full academic year)
Attendance 94.9% Authorised Absence 3.9% Unauthorised Absence 0.7%
Pupil Premium ( Adopted from Care) Pupils Attendance in Comparison ( full academic year)
Attendance 97.9% Authorised Absence 2.1% Unauthorised Absence 0.1%
Pupil Premium Pupils Attendance in Comparison to 2014/2015( full academic year) Whole School Attendance 96.5%
Ever 6 Attendance was 94.1% and so has risen by 0.8%
Attendance rose in 14/15 for this group of children by 1.4 %
Attendance rose in 15/16 for this group of children by 0.8%
Attendance is now above 95% at 95.4% however the gap with pupils not in receipt of funding remains.
This will remain an ongoing priority although impact has been seen and the gap is closing.
Pupil with pastoral or SEN needs are identified swiftly on transition to school to ensure these needs are met to ensure progress is made from point of entry and GLD is not limited by unmet PSED needs.
EYFS Outcomes for pupils in receipt of pupil premium.
Progress for these pupils has been rapid and has been driven through swift identification. No PP child did not achieve GLD due only to PSED unmet needs.
Achieved |
Achieved |
X |
X |
This is a key area for pupil premium spending particularly for pupils AFC. It will remain a finding priority for 2016/17
Increase rates of progress in reading across school, including those in receipt of pupil premium funding. (see whole school KP 1)
Outcomes for pupils in receipt of pupil premium are sustained from 2014/15 for reading and mathematics and increased in writing:
Attainment targets on YGE
Reading expected 88%
Writing expected 87%
Mathematics expected 88% PLEASE NOTE
It is clear in the guidance from the DFE that a comparison cannot be made from the 2014/15 outcomes as the new curriculum and more challenging assessment means this is not a valid comparison. This was not known when this target was set. The data below includes a comparison with national outcomes.
Year 1
Phonic Check |
met |
met |
met |
met |
met |
Year 2
Reading |
Writing |
Maths |
expected |
expected |
expected |
expected |
expected |
Working Towards Standard |
Year 6
Reading |
Writing (TA) |
Maths |
108 |
109 |
expected |
112 |
102 |
95 X |
X |
100 |
114 |
112 |
expected |
116 |
105 |
102 |
expected |
102 |
100+ reached expected
110+ reached higher standard
Attainment in 16/17 data for all pupils across school
Reading – 77% ( NA 66%) of children in receipt of pupil premium are achieving at least in line with age related expectations.
Writing – 62% ( NA 74%) of children in receipt of pupil premium are achieving at least in line with age related expectations.
Mathematics – 65% (NA 70%) of children in receipt of pupil premium make at least expected progress.
Reading – 88% of children in receipt of pupil premium are making at least expected progress.
- Writing – 85% of children in receipt of pupil premium are making at least expected progress.
- Mathematics – 81% of children in receipt of pupil premium make at least expected progress.
Progress is strongest in reading for pupil premium children. This was a focus for whole school improvement and pupil premium action plan in 2015/2016.