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Lytham Hall Park Primary School

Discamus As Vivendum, Let’s Learn to Live

Our School Meals

At Lytham Hall Park, our meals are cooked on site using Lancashire Catering Services.    We base our menu on the Lancashire menu but we do alter some of the choices to ensure our children are offered the options that we know Hall Park pupils love.  

Why Lancashire Catering Services?

Our meals are provided by Lancashire County Council and we are pleased to say we will continue to offer a fresher plus menu. 

Lancashire Catering Service remain committed to providing the children of Lancashire with the highest quality ingredients and products sourced from Lancashire, UK, and Europe when out of season. Whilst there may be marginal savings for adopting cheaper and lower standard foods, this would not be to the benefit of children consuming meals. Existing food standards play a vital role in ensuring the quality and nutritional profile of the meals within our menus. Sustainable procurement also contributes to the local economy and employment opportunities, adding £24-28m of annual benefit to Lancashire's food and farming communities.


Serving fantastic lunches every day! 
All menus are planned to comply with School Food Standards and all new dishes are tested by children. Our meat is Red Tractor Farm Assured, our fish is MSC certified and our eggs are free-range Lion brand. The Lancashire Catering Service use a number of organic products throughout our menus. There is always fresh fruit and salad, bread and locally produced yoghurt available daily.  


The menu for the summer term has been planned with the government's food-based standards, the Soil Association Food for Life and the Sugarwise standard.     The Soil Association Food for Life Served Here standard, awards food providers for making positive impacts through food. They certify caterers who provide meals cooked from scratch, using fresh and sustainable ingredients that can be traced back to the farm. 

The Sugarwise catering mark means that the menus provide options that are low in “free sugars”. These are sugars and sweeteners that need to be limited in the diet because they are contributors to childhood obesity and tooth decay. 


To make the most of seasonal produce we change our menus a minimum of twice a year.  These are then personalised to the children of Lytham Hall Park to ensure the menu includes their favourite options.  

What if my child requires a special menu due to allergies or health needs?

Special diets are diets for pupils with a medically diagnosed requirement; not just a dislike of certain foods or food groups. It is our policy to provide a menu for those pupils with medically diagnosed food allergies, food intolerances or a medical condition which affects eating requirements. 


Lancashire Catering Service work with the school and parents to ensure that all our children's needs are met.